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Creating a desktop shortcut for a Real-time application

I have a couple of real-time projects that I run and would like to create a couple of desktop shortcuts to launch and deploy the application.  I use the same real-time target hardware for a couple of different applications so I go into LabView and open up which ever project I need and then run and deploy the VI from within the project.  It's just a pain to open the project and then scroll down the list of subVi to find the main VI to start my application.  I have created .exe files for non-rt applications and then created a desktop shortcut to run them.  Is there a similar way to create desktop shortcuts for rt applications?


Thank you for the help.

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I don't believe there's a way to make a shortcut to an RT exe like you describe. The closest thing I can think of would be to create a PC EXE that will deploy the desired code. Then put a shortcut to that application on the desktop.

Caleb Harris

National Instruments |
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