08-02-2023 06:55 PM
Allegedly, a .mpo file is just a set of concatenated .jpg files.
The attached VI tries to do that; it succeeds in making the file, but the file is not readable by anything that can open .mpo files.
I thought it might be a boundry alignment problem, so I added a specifier for boundry alignment; but no matter what I set it to, it still doesn't work.
Any insight would be appreciated.
08-03-2023 02:04 AM
Allegedly? Seems quite hard to find anything about that file format on the net!!
08-03-2023 02:14 AM
I agree with Rolf that a random forum post is not something to rely on.
I think this is the spec, but I'm not familiar with the format, and from a cursory look it seems a bit hard to understand how to map the spec to actual bytes:
I would suggest looking for a program which already does this which you call (CLI, .NET, etc.)
08-03-2023 02:49 AM
Well, from that document tst posted it is definitely a bit more than just concatenating JPG images together.
Basically it is a file format using EXIF attribute records to describe the content of the file and the first EXIF MP extension contains a directory with references to the individual images in the file. The actual image is indeed supposed to be a JPEG image but may need to be somewhat adjusted from the source depending which file structure the individual image has. Definitely not something that you can just do by gluing together individual JPG images.