01-13-2010 12:07 PM
Hello all,
Our first year FTC team has designed a drive system that uses tankdrive basics
but allows side to side movement. We have taken the time to look at example tank drive
settings and have used them to move the tank in competitions and scrimmages
but keep hearing that you cant modify a tank drive through the templates.
So how do we create a tank drive that allows a third motor to be controlled also??
01-14-2010 11:49 AM
Hi Octo Crazy,
You would have to design how the third motor functions using the TETRIX Move DC Motors VI. Also, you'd need to make sure you use the TETRIX Motor Configurator to include all three motors. While I don't know immediately how to design the H-drive system, I'm sure there's a way to implement this based on the locations of the joysticks, it will just require some manual programming.
I would recommend posting this to the FTC Community, http://decibel.ni.com/content/community/first/ftc?view=overview:. You can normally get to it by going to http://www.ni.com/first and then scrolling down a bit and clicking the link where it says Are you participating in FTC? Check out the NI FTC Community Page! Posting there will not only help other teams with a solution, but the developers and other FTC supporters will be able to look at the post and help you out.