04-07-2015 10:05 AM
Hello, i have strange problem. i am trying to import DLL for FTDI FT2232HQ, but wizard could not finish importing but it does show functions names.
Could any one help me create vi from this zip ? ( two different sets for 32b and 64b programs)
my email is megahercas6<eta>gmail.com
importing wizard give error like this:
The shared library contains 35 function(s). But no function is found and recognized in the header file. The following function(s) cannot be wrapped. If you want to import these functions, please review the warning messages next to the functions below. You will need to fix the problems before you can continue with the wizard.
04-07-2015 05:52 PM
You're asking for a lot of work here. Start with a search on this forum for FTDI (or a Google search for "site:ni.com FTDI LabVIEW SPI" or similar). Several people have already tried (and probably succeeded) to get this chip working with LabVIEW, and they may have posted code or are willing to make it available. If that doesn't help, pick one function that you want to import (start with the first function you need to call), attempt to do it yourself, and then post here if you run into problems and can't find the solution elsewhere. If you get the first function working, move on to the second one, etc. That way you're learning to make it work yourself, without asking for a huge effort from someone on the forum.
04-07-2015 10:52 PM
I am asking for few seconds of work, if importing function is working correctly.
Importing wizard do this work in few seconds. I did that somehow in the past with older dll vertion, but now even visual studio don't allow for dll to be imported, even old one. So my guess i have problem with my computer
04-07-2015 11:45 PM
The import wizard is not magic. It can handle simple cases, but it cannot handle the way that header file is structured. It's not your computer. Importing that DLL will require correctly defining a large number of pre-processor macros, then creating LabVIEW clusters that match all the structs. It is not as simple as asking someone to run the import wizard on another computer. You need someone who's familiar with both C and LabVIEW to get all those functions configured properly. It is definitely not a few seconds of work.
04-08-2015 06:29 AM
How about only get number of devices function, single imput, single output, if that works, maybe i could use that as starting point.
I did try this manualy, without wizard, but it did not worked, get error when trying to accsess dll.
04-08-2015 08:52 AM
04-08-2015 12:17 PM
This should work for SPI_GetNumDevices. You'll need to fix the path to the DLL, and eventually you should convert the FTC_STATUS return value into an error code (although for this specific function, I don't think you'll get an error). Saved for LabVIEW 2009 in case you're still on an older version. Note that all of the functions in this library use the WINAPI calling convention.
04-08-2015 12:27 PM
Right now reinstalling all programs, and i hope that will fix some of my problems (long shot)
Will inform you if it worked,
Big thanks sir
04-08-2015 01:34 PM
Good luck, but I'm 100% certain that reinstalling everything will have no effect on LabVIEW's inability to do an automatic import of that DLL and header file.
04-08-2015 01:36 PM
you are right. it does not. At least i did installed it witout problems.
Strange thing is that your function does work first time, now i need to do that for rest