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Custom Protocols in LabVIEW (Sending GOOSE messages)

I know that IEC 61850 is not supported by NI but is there any way to use ethernet ports (and VIs) to send IEC 61850 GOOSE messages utilizing a PXI box?


Is the only way to implement a OSI-7 protocol or custom protocols is to use a FPGA? There has to be some other way. No?


If I was to use an FPGA, can I map FPGA I/O to ethernet cards in the PXI box? I bought a couple dual ethernet cards for my PXI box. So basically can I map virtual channels to ethernet physical layer? Probably didn't ask that correctly. 

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I have not used this protocol but usually you only have to implement the higher levels of the OSI, IE if this protocol is built ontop of TCP/IP or RS232 or 485 then you essentially only have to implement the upper layers (ie application/presentation)  this usually can be done in software depending on the timing.  There also could be 3rd party PXI cards with their own api/interface I have done this with some aero protocols before.

Paul Falkenstein
Coleman Technologies Inc.
CLA, CPI, AIA-Vision
Labview 4.0- 2013, RT, Vision, FPGA
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