05-24-2024 03:03 PM
Hi All,
Hi all - relatively new to data acquisition here.
I have a thermocouple that I have wired to a AD8495. The output from the board is wired into a USB-6002. I also have 2 pressure sensors from Millar with their outputs from their control units into the USB-6002. I wanted to calibrate the thermocouple but I have a big program that acquires and sends data out from multiple DAQs. So instead of running that big program I wrote a very simple program that uses a differential configuration to collect data from the thermocouple continuously at a rate of 2 Hz. I used the simple program to collect voltage output from the thermocouple and correlated it with temperature data taken from a control thermometer to create a calibration curve. However, when I plugged the calibration numbers into the big program the numbers were way off - even though it works in the simple program. I found that if i remove the 2 Millar pressure sensors from the DAQ assistant in the big program (big_program_pressure_removed.png) the voltage value from the thermocouple matches that of the simple program (simple_program.png). But if I add the pressure sensor signals back in - there is an offset introduced (big_program_pressure_removed.png).
Is this normal or is there some kind of cross talk happening between my channels that shouldn't be there?
I cannot share my "big program" file.
05-24-2024 10:34 PM - edited 05-24-2024 10:39 PM
USB6002 doesn't have channel isolation. Have you tried increasing the physical distance between channels? What about using just 1 pressure sensor instead of 2?
Are you using common ground between all sensors? If not, you may be dealing with a ground loop causing that offset.
05-25-2024 12:14 PM
Great video that may help grow intuition for your problem
05-25-2024 01:46 PM
05-28-2024 10:04 AM
I tried increasing the channel delay and put the temperature reading first in the channel list, but didn't see an improvement in the ghosting (~ 0.01V). The signals from the pressure sensors and the temperature sensors are relatively close in value (1.28 for temp vs 1.25 for pressure) so I didn't know if a dummy channel would help. However, I found a different issue that might be the problem. When I did the calibration I had the DAQ assistant set to differential for the channel, but had the wires in an RSE configuration (channel and 3 ground) not a differential configuration (AI3+ and AI3-). The jpeg of the wiring is attached.
I cut a chunk out of the "big program" so that I could share it here.
I really appreciate your help - could you advise on if the wiring could be the issue? I'm not entirely convinced as I don't change the wiring when switching between VIs, but I see a difference between the two voltages. However, I know there is alot going on here that I don't fully understand.
05-28-2024 10:05 AM
Could you check out my other reply?
05-28-2024 10:15 AM
The issue seems to be most likely connected to ground wiring.
05-28-2024 12:42 PM
Could you elaborate?