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DAQmx Error 200547

For one of my projects, I created a calibration routine that will allow me to calibrate a vibration tables amplitude to a user defined value. The .jpg that I attached to this post will loop until the value of the shared variable is 1.8 then it will exit the loop. In this case, I am increasing the amplitude all the way up to 1.8 however, I would also like to perform this operation for multiple frequencies. I inserted this routine into a while loop hoping that every time the amplitude is 1.8 it will exit the local while loop, increase the frequency value then keep doing this until a user defined frequency is attained. The issue that I am faced with is that every time I exit the main loop, the error 200547 appears. I tried different suggestions that were posted on the ni forums concerning this issue however, I could not resolve the problem.


Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

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The error has to do with an onboard write buffer overflow. You are adding to the write buffer faster than you are sampling. I would add some wait time to the loop that contains the write vi or I would try to increase the rate that your AO is running at.

National Instruments
Applications Engineer
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