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DAQmx Lowpass filter Property Node

Hi All,


I seem to be losing my mind. I can't find the DAQmx lowpass filter property node, which I thought should be in the location shown in this link ( I'm running LabVIEW 2015 with the full developer suite.





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Hello Jeremy,


Would you mind telling me what device you are using? Property Nodes change depending on what device you have wired in / configured in NI MAX. 


I tried it on my system, and the Filter option did not appear when there is no device wired in, but when I tested it with a simulated 6115 (used in the cited post), the Filter tree appears as in the location indicated in the other post.


If you just need to know where certain functions are located for reference, you can right click on the DAQmx Property Node, choose "Select Filter," and then choose to display attributes for All or Selected Devices rather than only what is plugged in. These functions will not be usable, but the trees should appear. Once the simulated device was in my MAX, the property node showed the Filter tree even with nothing wired in, since it was set to "Show Attribute For Configured Devices." 




Daniel Kapulkin


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Hi Daniel,


It's an NI-9213 Thermocouple module in a cDAQ-9178 chassis. I don't have the hardware plugged in (it's deployed at the moment) so that's possibly the problem. Either that or it's not supported for that module. When I created a simulated 6115 as you did, I was able to access the low-pass filter option.





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