07-14-2014 07:49 PM
Hey all,
I'm running a Yokogawa DL6104 oscilloscope through LabVIEW with a Yokogawa DL9000 driver (which supports model DL6104). I'm trying to acquire several waveforms using the N-single acquisition mode through a revised Edge Triggered Acquisition.vi example, wherein I created controls for the trigger's -mode and -counts on the YKDL9000 Config Edge Trigger sub VI.
Still, I'm getting no luck. I receive this error:
YKDL9000 Error Query;
instrument reports:
662,"Acquisition in process in N Single trigger mode. Press Run/Stop key or wait until the process is completed."
0,"No error"
Can anyone help guide me to what my mistake is, and perhaps direct me to resolving the problem?
Big Thanks!
- Ryan
07-14-2014 08:12 PM
07-15-2014 06:15 AM
Is the scope triggering?
Do you wait long enough for the acquisition to complete?
07-15-2014 12:48 PM
I'll send along screen shots of what I've got momentarily. In the meantime, yes, the oscilloscope is triggerring and completing all N acquisitions (I checked this by manually setting the oscilloscope to auto trigger, then ran the code to send an Nsingle acquisition order of 100 counts... the oscilloscope changed trigger mode, collected the 100 counts, but never sent an "I'm done" response to LabVIEW. So it seems LabVIEW timed out after 10 seconds).
By the way, thank you both for your quick replies! And, again, I'll send my code in just a moment here.
07-15-2014 03:24 PM
Okay, here are the screen shots: (1) the edge trigger example _ unaltered (2) my alterations and (3) my alterations illuminated with the error code I'm now getting.
07-16-2014 06:58 AM
How long does it take for the scope to acquire the waveforms? What time base are you using? You might just need to increase the timeout. Also try setting the trigger count to 1.
07-16-2014 07:04 AM
Does it support SCPI commands? Can you use *OPC? to turn it into a query so you wait for the scope to say it's done before sending the next command?