07-31-2023 03:04 AM
Hello All,
I'm trying to post data to database from machine actuators and sensors. I'm using Event structure to operate the machine and its actuators using boolean controls and HTTP tools to send data from labview to mysql based database (Hostinger database).
The problem I'm facing is whenever there is change in the actuators boolean status (while operation) , the same is not reflected in data string constructed for posting. Any help will be greatly appreciated.
Attaching sample Labview VI since the main VI is very big program.
08-10-2023 03:46 AM
Any help??
08-10-2023 05:19 AM
Are you sure that the problem is with LabVIEW?
Set up a debugging server, send your data there and observe the output.
If the output changes according to your expectations, check if the problem is on the server side.
You can set up a debugging server using LabVIEW itself, like so: https://forums.ni.com/t5/Example-Code/Simple-TCP-IP-Protocol-Example-using-LabVIEW/ta-p/3523412
Or use Powershell, like so: https://drakelambert.dev/2021/09/Quick-HTTP-Listener-in-PowerShell.html
$httpListener = New-Object System.Net.HttpListener
and then repeat this to observe incoming requests: