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Dataset selection



This post is building off this thread #M918594.  I think that my lack of not fully explaining what I want to get accomplished, led me down a dark path.  Hopefully, by starting fresh, I can get to a solution with your direction.


In the data file, I have the headings :Time, Description, DUT, Temp, Rand 1, Rand 2, Voltage, Current and dBC.


I delete the first column.  I want to get the data compiled in such a manner, that after selecting a specific Description, DUT and Temp, that I can plot either Rand 2, Voltage, Current or dBC vs Rand 1. 


I am having a terrible time trying to figure out how to go about getting the data compiled like this so that I can get the plots mentioned above.


For example, if I wanted to select Description = "Test 1", DUT = "Sample 1", Temp = 25, I should end up with this dataset:

TEST 1 SAMPLE_1 25 136.0125 245.6625 -3.328 219.34 -93.793
TEST 1 SAMPLE_1 25 136.8375 246.4875 -3.324 219.34 -94.807
TEST 1 SAMPLE_1 25 136.85 246.5 -3.336 219.34 -94.357
TEST 1 SAMPLE_1 25 143.35 253 -3.246 219.34 -95.497
TEST 1 SAMPLE_1 25 152.1 261.75 -3.165 219.34 -94.659


If I then select Description = "Test 1", DUT = "Sample 1", Temp = 25 and -40, I should end up with this dataset:



From this point I think that I will be able to plot the graphs.  I'm stuck as to how the data should be compiled.  


I attempted a compilation with the Temp and was able to get the 3 indexes.


I was thinking that if we compiled the data in order...i.e., Collect Description, we would get 1 index, then parse that data to the DUT, we should then get 1 index, then parse that data to the Temp, we should then get 3 indexes.  From there would we be able to select a specific Description, DUT and Temp block of data????




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Message 1 of 9

I haven't looked at your previous stuff or your VIs yet.

Have you thought about using TDMS instead of a TXT spreadsheet?

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Message 2 of 9

I have never used TDMS.  Let me do a little research to see if I can implement it.




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Message 3 of 9
How big is the data? Is this data you are still actively acquiring? By far the easiest approach would be to chuck the data into a simple database and let the queries you run select the data.


Certified Professional Instructor
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"... after all, He's not a tame lion..."

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Message 4 of 9

Hello Mike,


Thanks for your idea.  The dataset can be up to about 1000 points.  Can your idea still work?




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Message 5 of 9
Yes it would. Here is some reading to help you get started.

Check this post and a couple one following it to see how to do it.


Certified Professional Instructor
Certified LabVIEW Architect
LabVIEW Champion

"... after all, He's not a tame lion..."

For help with grief and grieving.
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Message 6 of 9



Mike, I did look at your posts and although your methodology does seem intriguing, I will have to defer your high level data base strategy for a later time.


I have gotten the data formatted such that I can get blocks of data out.  My current strategy now is to first sort the Description column, then send that data to the DUT block, then to the Temp block.  In the attached VI, I have sent the "Desc Array" to the Temp block.  I am have a fair amount of difficulty getting  both TEST 1 and TEST 2 blocks of data selected.  In the attached program, if I just select TEST 1 OR TEST 2 from the "Desc" listbox, I get the correct "Temp Array" out.  If I however select both TEST 1 AND TEST 2, I just get TEST 1 data being output to the "Temp Array".  Can you assist me in modifying the "Dynamic Data", so that I can get both TEST 1 AND TEST 2 data showing up in the "Temp Array" output if both are selected?


My new strategy now is to parse the data successively, sorting as I go along...first Get the Description Array.  Select the Description Array based on the list box selection "Desc", then parse that data to the DUT array. At whcih point I would like to select data based on the "DUT" list box selection(s).  Further parse that data to the "Temp Array" and select data based on the "Temp" listbox selection(s).  At this point, I should end up with blocks of data based on the listbox selections of "Desc", "DUT" and "Temp".




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Message 7 of 9



Any ideas how to modify the "Dynamic Data", so that I can get both TEST 1 AND TEST 2 data showing up in the "Temp Array" output if both are selected?




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Message 8 of 9

Hello hiNI,


I was taking a look at your .llb files, and I wasn't able to figure out where the display would be for both arrays.


As far as displaying both, you may want to think about dynamically showing/hiding the array indicators, based on how the user makes a selection.



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Message 9 of 9