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Dear expert, i want to increase the speed of data acquisition

I have a loop that reads the data from the machine, checks if it is below a level, if yes commands the machine to move up til it reached the level say D, but i want more faster readings, as when it reaches D i want it to stop exactly at D, with some little tolerance, but the speed of data acquisition is slow as its in a loop or whatsoever the reason is, i want faster requesting and delivery from the machine and parsing the data? How can i achieve this? please answer it is crucial for my tests of materials. Thnx. Deb
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Message 1 of 3
It would be good if you could tell us the desired loop rates you need. What kind of hardware are you currently using and what loop rates do you currently achieve. If you are willing to spend money, you can get better and more deterministic loop rates by moving to a LabVIEW real-time system. Even faster rates can be achieved with LabVIEW FPGA, where loop rates up to 40MHz (!!) are possible.

Of course it is possible that your existing hardware is sufficient, but the code implementation is not optimal and could be significantly streamlined. Make sure to initialize your hardware outside the loop, then use low-level DAQ inside the loop. What else is running
on that computer?
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Message 2 of 3
I would like to achieve fatser data collection from the machine and i have a labview ver7 and cannot spend more, i am using assistant express VI to communicate with the machine using the IEEE codes for the machine.I just need that the machine sends data faster in short intervals so that when the level of displacement is reaching the less than or equql to condition has a greater meaning, i wil also post a snapshop, THNX ALLAN REALLY
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Message 3 of 3