04-28-2009 04:30 AM
Debugging in LabVIEW is sometimes difficult because of the reason that the error happens not in the top level VI we are debugging, but in some of it's subVIs (or maybe a subVI inside a subVI and so on..). We need to run the VI repeatedly to see what's causing the error after doing a 'Retain Wire Values' on subVIs.
Instead, we can have a method by which you can specify to 'Retain Wire Values for the Whole Hierarchy' before running the VI. And then debug the VI and its subVIs without having to re-run everytime you figure out that the erroris happening is one of the subVI. What do you guys think about this and would it be useful to have such a feature?
04-28-2009 05:25 AM
I Personally do not use this feature as it stands however I believe it could be quite usefull for future developments. Although what of sub vi's in multiple places / reentrant. How does this affect performance / memory, obviously something you would only use for debug.
Sounds interesting though and always nice to have multiple debug options 🙂
04-28-2009 05:26 AM
01-21-2010 02:01 AM
02-21-2012 12:14 AM
Hello Vishal,
The VI is really useful. Thanks for sharing the application. Can you post the source code as well?
02-21-2012 12:29 AM