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Devices and interfaces on ni max

I have connected my laptop and pxi chassis which has some IO Modules,over ethernet. How to see the devices and interfaces of that pxi system (non RT) in my laptop ni max. 

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Message 1 of 4

Have you tried connecting Keyboard, Mouse, and Display to the PXI controller, turning it on, and seeing if you can "log in" to the machine?


In order to connect to a PXI (or other devices that use TCP/IP as their "communication" path, you need to know the IP of the device, and need to be able to access that IP from your PC.


Have you tried to "Ping" your PXI from your PC?  [You need to know its IP to do this, and your PC/Network needs to be able to communicate to the subnet that the PXI is currently using).  How are you connecting to the PXI?  If you are connecting directly from a (probably second) TCP/IP port on your PC to the TCP/IP port on the PXI, you may need a so-called "Cross-over Ethernet cable" (you can recognize them by holding the two connectors so you can view the pattern of the wires -- if they are in the same order, as are probably 99% of the Ethernet cables, it is not a Crossover cable and might not work for a direct connection).  When I've had to connect to PXI systems, I always used an inexpensive Ethernet "Switch", usually used to let 3-4 computers connect to a single "wall" port, but will also let computers plugged into it talk directly with each other, as it "figures out for itself" if it needs to internally do the cross-wiring.


Those are the most "obvious" causes for lack of connection that occur to me.  I'm sure other Forum users will have additional suggestions.


Bob Schor

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Message 2 of 4

If your PXI chassis has its controller and is running Windows. You can never detect it in NI MAX from any host PC. The detection of remote targets only works for RT targets.

Applications Engineer | TME Systems
Message 3 of 4

@ZYOng wrote:

If your PXI chassis has its controller and is running Windows. You can never detect it in NI MAX from any host PC. The detection of remote targets only works for RT targets.

Yikes!  Despite having the experience of having an NI Sales Rep talk one of my colleagues (who ran LabVIEW on a MAC) to buy a very expensive PXI system running Windows (rather than using it as a State-of-the-Art Real-Time Controller for the excellent NI-DAQ modules -- I don't think he has gotten any data from it yet), I forgot to ask about the PXI's OS ...  Shame on me!


Bob Schor

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Message 4 of 4