09-23-2013 03:15 AM
I have a graph with x-axis as speed and y-axis as time. The graph is working properly as shown in before graph.jpeg, but there's an additional data i have to add in the graph. I have display to numbers on the plots with a time duration of 1 sec contionously as shown in aftergraph.jpeg. Please do tell me how to proceed? I have attached the before and after graphs for understanding.
09-23-2013 03:24 AM
09-23-2013 06:14 PM
Hi jay090909,
I think Gerd is right.
You can find two entries in The LabVIEW help (1 & 2).
I would like to know something about your application. Why do you need to design your custom Axis inside the diagram? Can't you use the real Axis and use/set the scaling parameters?
Kind Regards,
Philipp K.
09-25-2013 07:08 AM
My application is used for testing some small engines. Sorry, there was a mistake in the after graph picutre. The exact is attached below. I tried using annotations in graphs, the problem is that i can only display the amplitude of the y axis. But for my application i need to display constant data for a limited time using y axis as time scale.
10-01-2013 07:58 AM
Hi jay0909,
why can't you use the y-axis for scaling the diagramm?
You could change the two arrays in the cluster. That would turn the diagramm but you can use the scaling.
The other possibility would be using graphic elements overlaying the diagram.
Kind Regards,
Philipp K.