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Displaying multiple analog video signals


I am trying to view two simultaneous video feeds coming into a PXI-1409.  Video #0 seems fine but Video #1 does not seem to be triggering correctly.  I've included the VI that I have successfully used before with different cameras (Pulnix TM-300 cameras).  I did not write this code but I did modify it so that it would work with my cameras (Samsung SCC-B2331).    I believe that it has something to do with the triggering.  Perhaps I shot myself in the foot with the modification but I'm hoping to get a better understanding of what's going on  Any suggestions?




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Hi samwarr11,


What did you change in this VI when you adapted it to work with your cameras? And can you attach the picture you tried to include in your last post -- it's not showing up.


Daniel H.

Daniel Hays | Test Software Business Manager
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