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Dynamic Generation Hardware Example VI

Have an o-scope hooked up to watch signals toggling when I execute Dynamic Generation Hardware Start using PXI-6552.  No changes, just run example as is.


Result:  Nothing.


I do see data signals toggle when I set 'Initital State', but I don't see the countdown generated by the FOR loop that I was expecting, nor do I see any trigger signal on the PFIO0 pin (using a NI CB/SCB-2162 breakout board).


Question:  When should I see the data signals toggling; step 8 (niHSDIO, or see PFIO0 toggle? 


I have read each of the steps, in the text descriptions and thought I knew what it was supposed to do, but it isn't happening.


Can someone help me see the operator error here?  Thanks.




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Message 1 of 5



Thanks for the post, as I understand it the Dynamic Generation Hardware Start  is waiting for an input trigger on PFI0, which will trigger the acquisition. The reason you only see the the initialization bits toggle is because of the the program initializes and then waits for a trigger. If the trigger never occurs, as in your case, then the acquisition and the thus the for loop never execute as they are in a wait/idle state. If you put a rising edge on as an input to PFI0 then the acquisition will trigger and you will see the rest of the code execute.

National Instruments | AWR Group
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Message 2 of 5

Thanks.  Bottom line - Trigger is an input.  That is the piece I was missing. 


I fly-wired from DIO9 to the PF1 (PFIO is an SMBUS and was acting weird).  I scoped the PFI1, can drive high/low (pos/neg edge), and still don't see any wiggle on any of the DIO pins.  Also the vi times-out and shows message


"Error-1074118648 ocurred at niHSDIO Wiat Until"  So at Wait Until Done vi it is waiting for the pattern to execute, but it never does so it times out.


Any suggestions Peanut Butter?


Example vi being used is Dynamic Generation HW start




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Message 3 of 5

One more thing - Does it create a problem to use (temporarily) the DIO as a driver to trigger on PFI1?  I should still see activity on the other DIOs even if this one is locked for some reason because of my tying it to trigger pin.



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Message 4 of 5

Bret I am fairly certain that quickly toggling a DIO line connected to the PFI line will not work. In order to see the application run as intended you should find another source to use as the start trigger. Alternatively you could not use a trigger, I believe that there is a selection in the trigger vi drop down for 'none'. This should then just output the digital output immediately.

National Instruments | AWR Group
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Message 5 of 5