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Dynamic Path Display of Low level Sub vi in Top level main VI

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I have a VI program which inturns calls many sub vi in step by step mode . I need to display the lowest level vi path in the top level main vi . ( here in my program i have 3 levels of sub vi ) and I need the lowest level sub vi path to be disaplyed on the main vi`s front panel ( constraint : i should not hard code the path ), the moment particular VI is selected . The other constraint is that the path should be displayed before the sub vi executes , (reason : i need to get the path before , dynamically , such that i can display the sub vi`s front panel in the sub panel window of main vi ) the reason being to display lowest level sub vi`s exectuion .. Is there any option in Lab View which allows this feature. I have tried reference variable also but it displays only after the VI is completely executed . Please help !! Thank you ..

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Message 1 of 5

Hi hariharan007,


Do you have the selected VI's path before you run it?

If so, you can open a reference to it and use the invoke node 'Get VI Dependencies' to get a list of its subVIs (with their paths) before running it.

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Message 2 of 5

I should dynamically get the path when I run it . I am using this program to be a generic one were any one can use it.  I am just using a Global Variable to do this work . But I am facing problem like in sub panel window of main vi I just get the final front panel window of low level sub vi . I am not able to see step by step execution of the lowest level sub vi .  

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Message 3 of 5
Accepted by topic author hariharan007

I wrote some example code to explain what I meant in the previous post.




The only catch is that you need to know the name of the Low level subVI before running the top level subVI.

If this is not the case, you might get away with reading the lowlevel subVI's name from a string indicator (default value) on the toplevel subVI's front panel using a 'get control value' invoke node or something.


Hope this helps.


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Message 4 of 5

Thank you so much for your help ! It Works !! Thank you once again !!!

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Message 5 of 5