02-14-2007 05:53 PM
02-15-2007 08:51 AM
In most cases, an exit tunnel does nothing to data - dynamic or otherwise. The exception is a for loop. The default behavior of a for loop is to create an array of data exiting the loop. You don't mention which type of 'control structure you are using. If you are using something like a case statement or event structure, all of the data types exiting the structure through the same exit tunnel must be the same. For example:
If x=1
This is the same thing as an exit tunnel from a case statement. You are assigning a value to a variable. You cannot assign an integer in one case and in the other case, make it a string.
You also don't mention if the wire gets broken when you connect it to some function on the other side of the tunnel. If you are not connecting to anything, then you probably have a data type mismatch inside your structure. Post the VI or an image of the VI
02-15-2007 10:05 AM
02-15-2007 10:17 AM
02-15-2007 10:31 AM
02-15-2007 10:38 AM
So, you have some sort of data out of your DAQmx Read and that exits the for loop. By default, the for loop autoindexes the output into an array. The type of array will depend on the data you have output from the DAQmx Read. You can select the type of data that it returns. For example, if you have multi-channel/multi-sample, it can be either a 1D array of waveform data types or a 2D array of DBLs. Out of the for loop, you would then have a 2D array of waveforms or a 3D array of DBLs. You can disable autoindexing but then you would only have the very last iteration of data. You have to pay attention to the type of data you generate and how you want to display it. You say you wire up the results to an array and then get the broken wire. What is the data source type, what is the data sink type, and what are you trying to do with the data? As I mentioned, posting your VI or an image of the block diagram will help explain exactly what you have done and how to fix the problem.
I actually think that NI has done a great job of shipping a large number of code examples that show real applications instead of just function help that you get with other programming languages.
02-15-2007 11:23 AM
02-15-2007 11:31 AM
02-15-2007 11:45 AM
02-15-2007 12:26 PM
To take an image of a block diagram I normally just use Alt-Print Screen and paste into ms paint. Save as a .png or .jpg.
The term "VI Logger" usually refers to a stand-alone program that ships with NI's DAQ boards. The 'lite' version is free but you can pay for a more full featured one. It's an easy to use program for basic data acquisition and logging. There is no programming involved. There are functions in LabVIEW to access this separate program. I haven't used this but there is more information in MAX.
Instead of doing a search in help, try doing a search in the example finder.