05-20-2016 08:42 AM
I want to read data (voltage, position, speed) from the dynamixel mx-106T.
Everytime I got this errors:
-1073807298 -1073999902 VISA Read in Dynamixel Motor.lvlib:Read Address.vi->Dynamixel Motor.lvlib:Read U8 From 1 Address.vi->Dynamixel Motor.lvlib:Query Temperature.vi->Single MX-28 Position Control - EDIT.vi
I dont know how to fix this? I googled a lot, tried things like change the baudrate, other PC.
Sending data like go to position X works fine.
I am using an USB2Dynamixel and this driver:
In the Dynamixel Wizard I see data like position and speed, but not in LabView.
I want to make graphics from positions and speed as the load on the Dynamixel get higher.
Does some one knows a solution?
Thanks in advance.
05-31-2016 12:36 AM
I solved it. Not the best solution, but it works.
In the read adress.vi I cleared all errors with the clear error.vi. See the attechment image and rar file.
Now you can read for example the present position and speed etc.