01-21-2011 11:48 PM
Thanks for the warm welcome and support. Im currently doing a project with ECG monitoring system. Where I've to create a circuit using labview to interface ECG signals onto the monitor.
Once the ECG reading is sensed, these readings will be transmitted to the Receiver circuit.. The Receiver circuit will be wired to a Data-Acquisition(DAQ) hardware which is connected to the user's computer through USB port. At the same time, Labview programme running on the computer. Readings captured from the DAQ will be continuously plotted on the Labview waveform graph. Thus, the ECG waveform is obtained.
How do I go about doing it? Im new to Labview and am having difficulties in managing it doing the diagrams on Labview VI. My deadline is next week, so its a bit of a rush for me. Hope you could help, thanks!
Best regards
01-21-2011 11:58 PM
Are you aware of the Biomedical Toolkit?
01-22-2011 05:52 AM
I do not think your teacher just out of the blue slapped this assignment into your lap. You are just somewhat apprehensive about this project because this is your first real world project. And you can not just open a textbook and read until you find an answer. You have to navigate in unknown water. As a help in this "navigation" Labview is shipped with lot of examples. Go to help in the toolbar. Then Find Examples. Search for DAQ. And note the examples with continuous in the name. That should give you a push in the correct direction.
Also then you post next time. Include your code. But as code not as picture. Then you show that you have done something, and not just are fishing for an easy way out of your assignment
03-23-2011 03:48 AM
Can someone help me to modify the attached ecg.vi to work using DAQ. It was designed using DAQmx. I am new to labview and i am still learning.
This is as part of my biomedical project in college. I need the vi ECG_LIVE to be converted to 8.2 from 8.6.Please help.