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EXCEL unicode export LabVIEW

Dear members
I like to export unicode strings from EXCEL to LabVIEW using ActiveX.
The ActiveX programming isn't the problem the problem ist the transfer.
I tried to use a variant and cast it into a LabVIEW string but it doesn't seam to
work for me.
Any suggestions a welcome.
With kind regards

Martin Kunze

KDI Digital
Tel: +49 (0)441 9490852
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This thread explains LV and unicode.
André (CLA, CLED)
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I realise this thread is 16 years old but I had the same problem and eventually found a solution.


I noticed that if I did 'variant to flattened string' on the entire variant, I was getting the Unicode hex values, but the most significant byte was being lost on conversion to any sort of string array (even Unicode string array).


So I used 'variant to data' to convert to a 2d array of variant, then did variant to flattened string on each element, converted that to UTF16-LE, removed a few bytes and then it displays as Unicode correctly. This is with "UseUnicode=TRUE" in the LabVIEW.ini file.


Perhaps there is a neater way, but I haven't found it yet.


I have attached an example with an Excel file to test it in. Hope this helps someone!



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