01-30-2016 05:56 AM
I am printing the front Panel of a VI using Easy Print Panel.VI.
refer the attached PNG below :
If i choose Monochrome option I get a good black and white image but the client logo ( a PNG file ) gets blacked out ( IMG_2325.jpg). The customer obviously is not happy with this. So I select the Colour / Grayscale option and I end up with a image that is very demanding on the printer ink cartridge !! ( refer the attached sample print outs to understand my problem)
So what I want to do is : Print the result in B&W. Print only the LOGO in colour. Any ideas ?
01-30-2016 07:15 AM
01-30-2016 08:44 AM
01-30-2016 09:06 AM
@Dennis_Knutson wrote:
Simple solution is to just make a subVI with basic indicators and the logo. Pass the values from the main and set the sub to print when complete.
Yes thats excatly what I am doing and printing is no problem. Only problem I have with colour printing is that the REPORTS.VI FP colour shading also prints and the Logo also prints fine. But if I choose monochromatic print, the Logo instead of printing in Gray scale B&W prints as full back rectangle. ( The logo file is PNG. Will any other type like GIF / JPG help - if so I can ask the client for it.)
01-30-2016 09:21 AM
01-30-2016 09:23 AM