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Electrical Axis(ECG)



Ok, there aren't any obvious flaws in your VI that I can find without knowing exactly what is going on in your application. There are a number of things that would be useful to know:


1) What are the signals produced by the ECG machine? i.e. Are the signals analog or digital? Are you reading output as a voltage from the ECG or is the output of another form?


2) Are you able to view any of the data acquired on your front panel when you run the VI? If so, which indicators are showing data? Or which ones are failing to show the required data?


3) You say that you would like the readings to be 'processed'. What do you mean by this? Is your problem that you cannot display waveforms on the charts on your existing front panel? Or would you like the VI to be modified such that you are able to analyse the data by a different method?


If you can get back to me with this information then I'll be very grateful. Look forward to hearing from you,



Jeremy T
Technical Marketing
0 Kudos
Message 11 of 13

Hi Jeremy


The machine connected would produce mock ECG signals , which are analog. The panel works so far, it is able to display whatever signals it receives, in terms of voltage. My task now is to modify this VI such that on top of what is able to do now, it can also work out where does the patient's heart condition lie in the 4 quadrants of the electrical axis. Thanks

0 Kudos
Message 12 of 13



Ok, please correct me if I'm wrong; with your VI, you are able to acquire and display all of your data successfully, so it seems that you now need to implement the equation that Santhosh posted earlier on in the thread. Once you have confirmed what all of the variables in the equation represent, you can use a combination of functions to implement the equation in LabVIEW. In the Functions Palette, select Programming>>Numeric, where you will find mathematic functions such as subtract, divide, multiply etc, and to find the inverse tangent function, navigate to Mathematics>>Elementary & Special Functions>>Trigonometric Functions. This should provide the functionality to calculate the electrical axis. More examples of how to use the numeric functions in LabVIEW can be found by selecting Help>>Find Examples from the drop-down menu and navigating to Fundamentals>>Numeric and Boolean.


Hope this is helps! Let me know how it goes or if you'd like any further assistance.



Jeremy T
Technical Marketing
0 Kudos
Message 13 of 13