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Encoder readings - resolution (FPGA). Couldn't get reading in microns.

Hi everyone,


I'm using LabVIEW FPGA module in 9149ethernet module. Using module 9411. Im getting the digital input from  the module and can obtain the position in "mm". But, for my project, i need corresponding values in voltage for  every micron reading. Please help. I tried to put resolution change in it.Still cant obtain any reading for micron values a voltage output. 


Please find the files attached. Thanks in advance.



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I am Ed from National Instruments Applicatons Engineering. I'm happy to assist you with your query, first I'd like to clarify some further information, could you please provide me with a description of the hardware setup in terms of the encoder being used and possibly even the motor.


1. Are you using a single-ended or differential encoder?


2. What is the encoder being used (by name/model number)?


3. What is the motor being used (by name/model number)?


From the research I have currently performed, there is implication that this can be performed in NI MAX, in the linked article below:


Since I am unsure as to what motor/encoder you are using I cannot confirm the above is the methodology however this may provide you with what you need.


I hope that this is helpful and you are successful in your application.


Best regards,


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