11-18-2011 03:05 AM
11-18-2011 03:35 AM
Post your code rather than talk. That would be easy to help you. It does not make any sense to me. You have 30 cases and I did not understand remaining.
11-18-2011 06:32 AM
You need to go into your Emun definition to see all the values between Test89 and Test_21.
11-21-2011 08:48 PM
11-22-2011 02:52 AM
I Usually create a constant from the connecting Enum to see which options are available. You'll need to change the Test89..Test_21 to Test89..Test73,Test75..Test_21 so that Test74 can be place in another case.
11-22-2011 03:26 AM
Please post the entire items in your enum, or a screenshot.
11-22-2011 09:48 AM
Might I suggest you avoid this approach all together. It appears that there is no logic to how you define your ENUMs and by using ranges you are only inviting a bug in the future for the very reasons you are asking the current question. I would suggest that you either explicitly assign each selection to a case or make sure that your ENUM is sorted. Since your names do have a number this should be very easy to do.
If you are creating some type of state machine using this ENUM instead of naming your ENUMs with an arbitrary name such as Test_83, why not use meaningful names such as Test_Maximum_Voltage. I think your code would be more readable in the end.