01-29-2016 01:02 PM
I write very basic program in labVIEW and use NI-DAQmx Simulated Device since (driver) I do not have a real NI-DAQmx one. This program is reading the message from PC buffer, send it to device, then finally read the response from the instrument. This instrument is the Agilent 34411A digital multimeter for labVIEW Core 1. The program does not run and shows a message as below:
Error - 1073807202 occurred at VISA Open in visa write read buffer.vi
Possible reason(s):
labVIEW: (HEX 0xBFFF009E) VISA or a code library
required by VISA could not be located or loaded. This usually due to a required driver not being installed on the system.
I also have the attachment in this post as well.
Jonathan Tran
01-29-2016 01:06 PM - edited 01-29-2016 01:09 PM
Have you tried fixing what the error code is telling you is wrong? Here's a helpful resource I found when googling your error code.
The short answer: Install NI VISA for your version of LabVIEW.
P.S. You can attach images to your post, so you don't need the huge middleman, Microsoft Word, to show us a screenshot. If you think the problem is with your code (probably not), then it's also best to attach your VIs.
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01-29-2016 02:01 PM
01-29-2016 03:16 PM
Hello James,
Thank for your helps.
It sounds like that I need NI-VISA to install since I do not see NI-VISA in my system. How does NI-VISA communicate with hardware (the Agilent 34411A digital multimeter simulated device (not a real hardware) in this case?. In MAX (Measurement & Automation Explorer), do I need to add this simulated device under the "Devices and Interface"?.
Thanks a bunch,
Jonathan Tran
01-29-2016 03:43 PM
02-01-2016 10:33 AM
Hello James,
After I installed NI-VISA (ver. 15.0.1), I am able to write a message (MEAS:AC?) to a PC buffer, send it to device, then finally read the reponse from the device.
My device in this case is the Agilent 34411A Multimeter.
Does anyone know why we have to enter MEAS:AC for the special device? How does NI-VISA know this device during communication?.
02-01-2016 10:36 AM
How else is the device going to know to send the measurement? Serial communication is up to the device in terms of commands and responses.
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'--- >The shortest distance between two nodes is a straight wire> ---'
02-01-2016 11:45 AM
Thanks for your responding.
As your lastest previous email, I just want to clarfying more details in this case. If I type any commands that does not belong to my device (Agilent 34411A Digital Multimeter), I should recieve no messages from the respone of this device. Please correct me if I am wrong.
Please show me how to get the terms of commands for the Agilent 34411A Digital Multimeter.
02-01-2016 11:49 AM
@jotran00 wrote:
As your lastest previous email, I just want to clarfying more details in this case. If I type any commands that does not belong to my device (Agilent 34411A Digital Multimeter), I should recieve no messages from the respone of this device. Please correct me if I am wrong.
Maybe, or maybe it sends you an error code that you sent it an unrecognised command. See below for clarification.
@jotran00 wrote:Please show me how to get the terms of commands for the Agilent 34411A Digital Multimeter.
Read the manual from Agilent. Or use the LabVIEW IVI driver from the device network.
02-01-2016 11:55 AM
Thanks so much.
Jonathan Tran