08-06-2008 02:35 PM
08-07-2008 05:10 PM
08-08-2008 10:07 AM
08-08-2008 03:09 PM
08-11-2008 03:34 PM
Thank you for letting me know and I am glad everything is working.
09-19-2012 11:45 PM
Hello, I've similar error code on Keithley 2400: 1073676413 (Session opened successfully, but the device at the specified address is not responding.) at VISA open. I've already installed KIOL-85C04. I can have successful communication with Keithley Communication software. But I want to extract data via LabTracer 2.9, but just failed with mentioned error.
I can´t understand why my VISA is having problems.
The M2400 is connected via GPIB USB cable to my pc.
Should I try VISA run time 3.01?
with what file can I reinstall VISA layer?
I'm afraid, because I also use Keithley 6487, and don´t want to loose communication. Also have other instruments, but I'm not sure about if they use VISA for communcating.
I'll appreciate your advice, thank you for all.
09-20-2012 02:57 PM
According to Keithley (http://www.keithley.com/support/data?asset=56400), you should install the VISA Run-Time as a last resort. Under section 6 in the provided link, it is recommended to reinstall the 488.2 driver. Here is the latest driver from NI.
NI 488.2 http://joule.ni.com/nidu/cds/view/p/id/2922/lang/en
Since this thread is from 2008, I would also suggest reposting your question in its own thread. This will increase the visibility of your post and make it more likely that other users will comment.
09-21-2012 08:08 PM
Thank you, that solved the problem.