01-13-2015 04:04 AM
I tried to use DAQmx Create Channel for Accelerometer yet it respond with error (below). When i use NI max to measure accelerometer (AI-Acceleration-Accelerometer) , there is no error and i can see that acceloremeter works .
NI PXI 1042 and i use NI -4462 card to measure vibration vith acceloremeter.
Error -200431 occurred at DAQmx Create Virtual Channel
Possible reason(s):
Selected physical channel does not support the measurement type required by the virtual channel you are creating.
Create a channel of a measurement type that is supported by the physical channel, or select a physical channel that supports the measurement type.
Property: AI.MeasType
Requested Value:
You Can Select: Voltage, Sound Pressure:Microphone, Accelerometer, Position:Eddy Current Proximity Probe, Force:IEPE Sensor, Velocity:IEPE Sensor
Task Name: _unnamedTask<104>
Solved! Go to Solution.
01-14-2015 12:53 PM
Hi serdaryilmaz,
Which DAQmx Create are you getting the error at? Also, have you tried using one of the LabVIEW built-in examples? In LabVIEW, go to Help>>Find Examples>>Browse>>Hardware Input and Output>>DAQmx>>Analog Input>>Voltage - Continuous Input.vi. Does that work correctly with your 4462, and can you read a signal?
01-15-2015 03:18 AM
Hi Julian,
When i use acceleration mode, i get error from DAQmx Clear Task.vi( DAQmx Clear Task is the last component of my program. If the last component is DAQmx Stop Task, i'll get error from that. And if i use error indicator, program will work yet it always show that there is error !!!)
i use "Voltage - Continuous Input.vi" example that you suggested, it works with 4462 card.
Is acceleration mode not compatible with ICP type accelerometer. Should i use only voltage input option for sensor??
01-15-2015 03:30 PM
Hi serdaryilmaz,
I'm not quite sure why the accelerometer mode is not working, but it's working fine in normal voltage mode - perhaps it has to do with the accelerometer you have? Either way, if it is working with voltage mode, then I'm glad we found a way to get it to work. Is this an acceptable work around for you?