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Error -225202 occurred at DAQmx Start

I am trying to run my VI and after about 10 seconds after pressing Run the system pops up with the error and doesn't accurately display any of my signals. The main VI we run is titled "The_boss" in the zip folder and has the other sub vi's in it. This file has already run before (not testing new code here). None of the other sub VI's have been touched in the last several years and don't appear to be the issue at all. This only recent change in the_boss VI was changing which module two of the thermocouple signals came from because the DAQ wasn't recognizing the module. (Module 3 moved to module 7)

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Message 1 of 5

Haven't seen that error before. This whitepaper, if you haven't seen already, explains the error.


Your VI is difficult to debug due to its screen size. Consider making more subVIs and the diagram more compact. Lot's of things could be improved, use of sequence structures, local variable, could be eliminated.


PS I like the dog.

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Message 2 of 5

Hi badger,


@thermalbadger wrote:

I am trying to run my VI and after about 10 seconds after pressing Run the system pops up with the error and doesn't accurately display any of my signals. … because the DAQ wasn't recognizing the module. (Module 3 moved to module 7)

  • 10s is a typical default timeout value, so it is expected the error pops up after 10s…
  • Where exactly does the error occur?
  • You moved your hardware to different slots: does MAX recognize those changes?
  • And yes: your "boss" VI should be cleaned up before doing more work with this setup. (Why is "Offsets" a cluster when you use it as array in all the places inside the code??? Hint: don't use frontpanel elements/indicators as buffer for your data! Use shift register(s) to buffer data…)
Best regards,

using LV2016/2019/2021 on Win10/11+cRIO, TestStand2016/2019
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Message 3 of 5

Hey mcduff,
Thanks for shooting over the whitepaper, unfortunately still have the issues after doing the steps. Been in contact with NI supp staff. I am pretty new with LabVIEW myself and this code for our test setup is legacy from the last several grad students here, but definitely agree.

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Message 4 of 5

Hey Gerd,

MAX does recognize all my hardware and passes each of the self tests. I also can see live signals coming from each input when I do a test panel. If I understand your "where" question correctly, it happens at a DAQmx Start Task after running

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Message 5 of 5