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Error -314004 can not connect to cRIO 9074 but can debug and see shared vars do I need to generate a configuration file




I try to connect to a Ni 9074. I am having a hard time doing this. I did try to do most of what's described in this link:


  1. I can ping the 9074. I can ftp into the 9074 and see the log files are changing.
  2. Debug seems to work. I start debug with clicking: operate -> debug application in the menu of the project explorer.
  3. I start the UI main on my pc with hitting the run button. I did disable auto-deploy because else it tries to deploy the target on the cRIO also.  I did take a look at my pc IP adres with cmd ipconfig and copied the IP to my-computer in the project explorer.
  4. With MAX I did check if the network stream software is installed and it is there. 
  5. I can connect to shared variable lib with the UI main running on my pc, the shared vars use the same IP as the network stream.
  6. When I run procmon64.exe I use a filter:  "eventclass is network include." this shows there is data transfer between the cRIO and the PC. I can not see any packages being dropped. Dont know if this would be the exact text though if a port is blocked.
  7. I did just update the cRIO from Labview  2016 to LV2018 with MAX I can see the same software which was installed on the LV2016 version is also installed on the LV2018 version (of course with other version numbers)


When I read the link above I get the impression I need to make or edit a config file. I did search for It but I could not find it. Could this be the reason I do get Error -314004  ?


Hope you can help, thanx



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I did check the CPU load with Ni distributed system manager and I can see the Normal priority is 97 or higher all the time.


I did close the debug connection with the cRIO and I did manage to connect one time. But then the shared vars were giving an error. I will try to find which loop is causing this behaviour. 


Is there a kind of systemmonitor for the cRIO which can pinpoint more accurate ? like top in linux? This cRIO uses VxWorks btw






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Message 2 of 5

I think I might be doing something wrong with deploying the code to the cRIO.

I do a build, clicking the build file -->  right mouse --> build 

Then I click the build file to deploy. when I deploy I get a message telling me 

the target is already running a real time application I can click okay then it deploys. The CPU load drops so I know the new build is running (I did put a wait in the loop receiving messages from the message stream of 50 ms it was 1ms). when I reboot the cRIO hitting the reset button the CPU load is high again. This makes me think a old build runs after I hit the reset button. There is also a switch on the cRIO telling me "No APP". As there are a lot of things that might go wrong can someone please tell me if I need to use the "No app switch" ? Or give a general direction how to fix the network issue. I think I need the lower CPU load to connect to the cRIO to start with.

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Message 3 of 5

Can you share your code? It's extremely hard to troubleshoot without code.

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Message 4 of 5

Hello adekruif,

thanx for your reply. It is hard to share this code because is property of the company I work for. 

I think I did find something though.



2023-12-14 11:07:24 DROP UDP XX.XX.XXX.XX 5353 5353 904 - - - - - - - RECEIVE

2023-12-14 11:07:24 DROP UDP XX.XX.XXX.XX 5353 5353 286 - - - - - - - RECEIVE

I think my setting for seeing the blocked packages with procmon was wrong I ended up with searching for the firewall log file the name of the file in windows is:  pfirewall.log it is located at this location c:\Windows\System32\Logfiles. I did replace the lp number with X characters for security reasons. The IP is the IP from the cRIO


If anyone knows the correct filter for procesmonitor to view the dropped packages please let me know!


I am at home now, tomorrow I will have another try. I think I need to open these ports is this correct ?




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