11-02-2015 06:11 PM
Hello all,
I am getting error 50103, which is usually something easy to fix as I'm sure you all know. I am fairly new to labview, so please stay with me here. I am attempting to extract specific x and y data through an index array and then plot it, but there is some sort of error with that. The error highlights both of the blue wires coming from the index arrays into the "selected" x and y acceleration controls.
The application will eventually be that the x and y data values will be used to control the cursor on the screen via the changes in the accelerometer. I will use a "call library" function for that with the "set cursor position".vi
I am all good with that, just confused what the error means in this case. Thank you all so much for your help; I tried to use previous posts to help but couldn't find one. Sorry if you have already answered this question.
Thanks again; any help is great!
11-02-2015 06:23 PM
Hi, sorry. I reopened the vi after cleaning up the diagram and I foud an old DAQ acquiring comman in the window. My bad! Thanks anyways:D
11-03-2015 11:40 AM
Hey Paige5!
Glad to hear you sorted out your issue. Have a great afternoon!