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Error 54

Hello everyone. I have a code and I get error 54 in labview. Can anyone tell me what should I do? Thanks 

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Message 1 of 3

Did you read the Error Message?

  • LabVIEW: (Hex 0x36) The network address is ill-formed. Make sure the address is in a valid format. For TCP/IP, the address can be either a machine name or an IP address in the form If this error occurs when specifying a machine name, make sure the machine name is valid. Try to ping the machine name. Check that you have a DNS server properly configured. If you are using the TCP Open Connection function, ensure that the value of the remote port or service name is not 0.

All you show us is a fuzzy picture, where I can see some functions that I don't recognize.  How about attaching a VI, after a "Save for Previous Version" and specifying LabVIEW 2019 (unless you are using an even older version, in which case we should be able to open it)?


We have no idea what you are trying to do, and what hardware you are trying to use.


Bob Schor

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Message 2 of 3

That seems to be LINX add-on VIs.


What surprises me is that you don't connect any parameters as inputs for the first VI (open connexion?).

No port, no address, no name. Nothing.


What are you trying to do?

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Message 3 of 3