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Error -63043: FPGA disconnects after running for a few seconds

    I face the following problem whenever I try to run a FPGA VI directly from my host PC onto my PXI 7831R through the ethernet.

Initially, MAX shows my remote PXI system as 'Connected', and the FPGA VI compiles fine.

But when I hit the 'Run' button, the VI seems to run fine for 3-4 seconds, after which it hangs (screenshot attached). A couple of seconds later, it returns the following message :-

" LabVIEW FPGA called another software component and that component returned the following error

Error code: -63043
NI-RIO FPGA Communications framework: The session is invalid. The target may have reset or been rebooted. Check the network connection and retry the operation.


The VI continues to run on the FPGA, but I can't control it anymore from my host-PC. Even MAX shows the remote system as disconnected, after this error occurs. All I am left to do is to reboot my host-PC as well as the remote PXI target; to reach the beginning of this problem.


I have checked the NI-RIO settings. Both my host-PC as well as remote PXI system have the same NI-RIO 3.0.0 version installed. I am running LabVIEW 8.6 .


Can anyone help ?

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Message 1 of 20
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Message 2 of 20

@ muks & Vaibhav

     Thanks for responding to my query; but I am afraid that you misunderstood it completely.


Firstly, both of you point to the same link (w.r.t. Error -63043). I had already visited this link before posting my question, and it doesn't serve my purpose.


In your link (or KB as you call it) - the question answered is " Given that one disconnects the Ethernet cable (manually), why does LabVIEW freeze for so long before throwing the error? "

   Whereas, I am not at all concerned why it takes 'so long' to throw this error; but in the 'very cause' of this error. I hope I don't need to state the obvious that I do not disconnect my ethernet cable (why would I ?); and also that the network here seems to run totally fine even when LabVIEW throws this error.


I hope that you understand my problem now.


Here is what I have been thinking on: Perhaps, it has got something to do with my network-card being flooded with data from the FPGA, to such an extent; that my host suspects it to be some kind of ethernet attack, and closes down the connection completely (perhaps blocking the target). I suspect this, because of the fact that MAX shows my remote system as disconnected after this error occurs - and only a reboot connects it back.


Does anyone feel the same ? Can anyone help ?





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Message 4 of 20

I'm not very sure, but I doubt if this issue could be due to a Firewall (or are there yet more network safety mechanisms in your case?). You could try disabling the Firewall completely if it has not already been disabled.


Secondly, it isn't necessarily disconnecting the Ethernet cable that triggers this error. Any sort of network problem that causes the connection to be reset can cause this error. However, if you think that is not the case, then can you check and tell us:


1. How exactly and at what rate is the data transfer happening?

2. Do you face the same error for any data rate or, as you suspect, only at very high rates?




PS: Is this Makarand, by any chance?

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Message 5 of 20
I just want to add. "Double check the cables"
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Message 6 of 20

 I am sorry that I took so long.

All these days, I tried to test my VI under different networking conditions in order to zero-down on the exact problem. But whatever has happened until now, can be only termed as 'erratic behaviour'.

Firstly I moved my PXI system to a different position, closer to my development PC so that I can closely check its LAN connection & frequently reboot it.

Testing it here, it initially showed the same behaviour as posted above. Then, as Vaibhav suggested, I totally disabled my firewall - to find out that now my VI runs uninterrupted. But, as soon as I changed some front-panel value (communication from host-to-PXI), it would hang up and give the same error -63043. This happened a couple of times.

Moreover, re-enabling the firewall would simply not allow my VI to run (even once). It would instantly hang & give error -63043.

To add to this, once any error occurs; a reconnection to the PXI would require a complex combination of PC & PXI System reboots (i.e. a simple one-time reboot of both won't do good).

Fed up with all this, I had almost given up the debugging job. But today, all of a sudden - my VI seems to run perfectly fine - no interruptions even if I play with any parameter, and with the PC firewall working in place.

Anyways, I have constantly been monitoring the network connection to my PXI system - and the LED activity has always suggested that the connection is fine. No apparent problem with the cables even.

Hence, I don't know what to say. Now I'll again test my VI with actual signals in its original place.
Will keep you posted.


P.S.: Yes JohnC, you guessed it right ! 🙂

Please add me on gtalk: makontrack

I need to talk to you.

0 Kudos
Message 7 of 20

Hello everyone,


I'm having the same issue from the  MakOnTrac, identical situation and same attempts to solve it.

The diference is that mine hasn't solved it by itself.


One thing diferent I noticed is that there is acctually a connection error. When I run the FPGA VI, Windows connection tray icon alarms.

It goes offline (connection lost) then online then offline and then online again. In the meanwhile the error  -63043 comes up.

I have triple checked the cable and i have tried all connections (through LAN and Crossover Direct link).


Any ideas?


Thank you!

0 Kudos
Message 8 of 20

Hi everyone, I have the same problem regarding the 63043 error code


I´ve simplified my FPGA vi up to a simple write and read program of a port, as shown in the attachment, but I still have the same error.


It´s interesting that the program runs, note in the jpg file that the while loop counter suddenly stops at Numeric=10, it means the program ran 10 iterations. Also the input port succesffully read the pin value, this meas that the program ran properly, but the SBRIO rebooted when Numeric was 10 and the target device disconnected from the project, i wonder why?


The target device is an sbRIO-9632 , serial number 01452AC3 with the following software installed:

NI-RIO 3.4.0 - January 2010

  • DataSocket for LabVIEW Real-Time 4.7.0
  • EPICS Server I/O Server 1.6.1
  • LabVIEW PID and Fuzzy Logic Toolkit 9.0.0
  • LabVIEW Real-Time 9.0.1
  • Language Support for Japanese 9.0.1
  • Language Support for LabVIEW RT
  • Modbus I/O Server 1.6.1
  • NI-RIO 3.4.0
  • NI-Serial RT 3.3.4
  • NI-VISA 4.6
  • NI-VISA Server 4.6
  • NI-Watchdog 4.0.1
  • Network Variable Engine 1.6.1
  • Run-Time Engine for Web Services 2.0.1
  • SSL Support for LabVIEW RT 2.0.1
  • System State Publisher 1.1.0
  • Variable Client Support for LabVIEW RT 1.6.1
  • Web Server for LabVIEW RT 2.0.0

Available add-ons:

  • LabVIEW Control Design and Simulation 9.0.1

However, if I run a program in the RT processor without referencing any vi on the FPGA it runs without problems, it´s only when a file is loaded into the FPGA that the system reboots and the error message appears.


Please help me


0 Kudos
Message 9 of 20

Well, i got the same error message -63043 a lot of times. And it´s exactly the same behaviour as MakOnTrack  described the FPGA compiles- no problem, then i run the RT vi and after a view seconds this error occures and i lose the connection and the yellow cRIO LED blinks 3 times in a row- as i remember it means SW problem. So i re-installed the SW of the cRIO.


I´m working here with a cRIO-9073 programming the FPGA with labview. In my first vi i was sending an integer data (a voltage) to the FPGA memory and after i read it and send it out of the cRIO. There was no problem at all.


Now i´m just trying to send a sine waveform..., reading from a file (, well how i said compiling of the is not the problem, but when i run here the RT it occuresthis error after a few seconds.

I will attach a word document where u can see the code. Because i really don´t have an idea why this happens to me.


Realting to the message from MakOne Trak, you said: " I totally disabled my firewall - to find out that now my VI runs uninterrupted. But, as soon as I changed some front-panel value (communication from host-to-PXI), it would hang up and give the same error -63043."

So the firewall didn´t solve the problem.

then u say "my VI seems to run perfectly fine" BUT HOW DID U SOLVE IT????


It would be nice if somebody could help me here!


Best regards


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Message 10 of 20