11-16-2013 04:27 PM
I have a program that uses webserver, it is working fine on the development machine, however it seem that i cannot configure the application builder to properly deploy the web server on the target machine. I think i have tried everithing including the links bellow, and still get the error message (see attached image)
... help
Solved! Go to Solution.
11-18-2013 04:47 PM
What operating system is the development machine and is it 32 or 64 bit? And what are these for the target machine?
Shane C
11-19-2013 02:24 AM
Hi Shane,
Thank you for your reply,
I am developing on Windows xp 32bit service pack3
have LabVIEW 2011 SP1 version 11.0.,1.f2 (32bit)
I have tried to to install it on two target machines:
1. Windows xp 32bit service pack3
2. Windows 7 starter 32bit service pack1
11-20-2013 10:27 AM
I did a little searching on this issue, and it looks like the error message you are getting occurs when a specific file is missing from the installation. In order to resolve this issue, "Run Time Engine Web Server" must be included as an additional installer. Look at the additional files your installer is including, and make sure this is there. Does this fix your problem?
Shane C
11-20-2013 01:12 PM
Hi Shane,
Yes, I have included every installer I possibly could, still the same error.
I have also removed and installed the LabView on the development machine.
Also, I have found this project:
It's for LabView 2009, but i tried it in any case, I have compiled it as is and also got the same error...
Also I have found this post, with similar problem, but just couldn't understand the solution:
The only thing I can think of is that, for some reason, I have a LabView 6.1 run time installed on the development machine, and I cannot remove it, maybe this is the source of my problem.
Appreciate your effort
11-21-2013 12:38 PM
It is possible, though seems unlikely, that the old LabVIEW installation is causing a problem. It seems more likely that there is a file missing or corrupt. Can you do a search on your computer and see if NILVWSPostInstallerScript.exe is in fact missing?
Shane C
11-21-2013 02:33 PM
Hi Shane,
I did the search, I have found two instances of the file in two derectories:
1.C:\Program Files\National Instruments\Shared\LabVIEW Run-Time\2010\LVWS
2.C:\Program Files\National Instruments\Shared\LabVIEW Run-Time\2011\LVWS
The 2010 is version
The 2011 is version
Maybe the application builder uses the wrong version of the file...?
I there a way to completely uninstall all existing versions, delete the files and clean the registry so that I wil be able to install LabView 2011 from scratch?
Thanks again for the reply,
11-22-2013 05:28 PM
Can you post a screenshot of your additional installers screen for the installer you are building? It sounds like the LVWS file is located properly on the development machine, if you search on the destination computer after installing the program, can you find it there too? Also, this error only comes up when you try to run the executable on the target machine right, not when you install it?
Shane C
11-24-2013 02:28 AM
Hi Shane,
Thanks again for the reply, I have finaly got to a solution.
After uninslalling and cleaning the computer completely from NI products, manualy deleting all remaining folder and files and cleaning the registry, I have installed a fresh LabVIEW copy selecting only LV 2011 components.
In addition, I think that this what did the trick, after creationg a new build of the project I have notised that there are files that appear twice, for example: dp.msi and dp (2).msi , so, I have deleted the Installer from the project and physicaly from the disk.
...Finaly, after creating a new Installer , and installing it on the target machine (that i have also cleaned and removed all old files) the istallation went well and the web server was deployed.
Thank you again for the help,