08-28-2024 11:56 AM
I am running into an issue while installing LabVIEW 2023 Q3. It keeps on showing me that an error occurred while installing the MSI at 'signing.msi'. I tried following directions from other forums to look at the NI Package Manager logs and enable MSI logging. But nothing is giving me additional information. If someone has ran into a similar issue and gotten it resolved, please let me know.
08-28-2024 01:02 PM
I am surprised if there is not an MSI log file in the %localappdata%\National Instruments\NI Package Manager\ directory if you run the installation after you ran the following command line:
"C:\Program Files\National Instruments\NI Package Manager\nipkg.exe" config-set nipkg.plugin.wininst.msilogs-enabled=true
After you run that command, can you verify that the following is in the file "%localappdata%\National Instruments\NI Package Manager\nipkg.ini":
I would expect a file with the following name to be created when installing the MSI:
%localappdata%\National Instruments\NI Package Manager\Logs\WinInstMSI\NIPkgWinInst_ni-certificates_2024*.log
Even if one is not created, the latest %localappdata%\National Instruments\NI Package Manager\Logs\NIPkgLogs\NIPkgLog_2024*.txt" files will have some information.
You could share any of these log files on this forum for others to try to help determine the underlying cause.