05-10-2023 10:22 AM
estuve usando Clean_Up Diagram por partes en mi digrama de bloques, que es bastante grande, pero en un momento me dejo de funcionar y vi que habia lineas que no se veian donde iniciaban o terminaban, y no se peuden mover, algunas terminales como las de Property Node u otras se hicieron invisibles y encontre como unas lineas quedaron como que sepatradas de la estructura pegadas en un espacio en blanco, y en el Event Structure no se ven los nodos de salida.
no se como arreglar este problemas
las lineas estan flotando y no se pueden mover
05-10-2023 11:36 AM
The problem was that you diagram was way too large to begin with and the cleanup operation exceeded the valid range of coordinates.
(And I agree that the cleanup operation should have some checks to prevent that! Have you tried undo?)
05-25-2023 11:59 AM
Thanks, the final solution was subVIs of each case and I used the old version and updated with the subVIs.
Do you know about any git that they recommend for labview, I only know the ones for written programming
05-26-2023 02:33 AM
Hi BaSs,
@BaSs_Garrido wrote:
Do you know about any git that they recommend for labview, I only know the ones for written programming
What's the difference between "written programming" and LabVIEW?
Btw. I use (Tortoise)SVN since a long time…