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Everytime I search google...

Just a frustrated comment


It seems everytime I do a google search with the word labview I see this hit on the first page


Why I detest LabVIEW | Brian C. Becker



Jim Haas
Message 1 of 3

Never got that result from Google.  In either case it looks like AQ already tried explaining why what he was doing was causing him heartache, but still being a big fan of LabVIEW I'll give my retort.


Wires! Everywhere!

This generally only happens when you have very large VIs and only a few of them.  If I took all the source code to Windows and put it into one text file it would also be hard to follow.  Break up code into subroutines, and use a decent architecture with classes, or clusters to hold variable like information.  Also a triple click on a wire highlights the entire wire route.


Spatial Dependencies.

Again a decent architecture with classes or clusters avoids special distance.  Another way to avoid this is with a state machine.


Verbosity of Mathematical Expressions.

Using in place structures helps alot with large data types so new buffers aren't created.  Also it is likely he is performing the operations using some non-optimal or Rube Goldberg way which is causing unnecessary operations.


Inflexible Real-Estate

CTRL + Drag makes the block diagram larger, but a better solution is to compartmentalize your code with reusable sub VIs.


Unmanageable Scoping Blocks

If you are copying IF statements make it a subVI and call it instead.  This makes code reusable.  If you are changing its functionality then this is just like copying a section of code and having to make and rename variables.  Of course you need to modify it after the copy paste operation.  How else is it supposed to work?


Unbearably Slow

LabVIEW 2011 and 2012 have gotten much faster with searching, and loading the search tools after LabVIEW starts up.  Also quick drop loads in the background and will be ready after a minute or so after starting LabVIEW, then it is very quick to open.  Even within the first minute quick drop is not too bad.


Breaks ALT-TAB


Never used Alt Tab with LabVIEW.  It's just a different way of programming so you have different tools.  I use the project explorer, and sometimes the All Windows (CTRL + Shift + W).


Limited Undo

I've never had to undo more than 99 times, and that is the default for LabVIEW but it can be increased.  Do normal programming languages allow you to control this?


A Million Windows

Again I use project explorer and All Windows.  Never had a problem navigating too much.  Some times larger applications (2000+ VIs) get difficult but so does applications this large in any language.


Local Variables


Again the architecture being used has alot to do with this.


Copy & Paste

You can copy and paste an entire table by going to Data Operations >> Copy/Paste Data.  As for Excel there is a quick drop someone made I use that allows me to copy data from Excel into LabVIEW.  and going into Excel works by going to Export >> Export Data to Excel.


Counter-Intuitive Parameters

In 2011 and newer both the connector pane and icon are shown at the same time.  Sure the size of the terminals is a little small but on the standard 4X2 connector it is probably 20 pixels in size.


It's quite obvious this guy doesn't have much LabVIEW experience or atleast much formal experience.  I know that saying that can be considered a cop out but it's true.  LabVIEW developers which understand the paradigm shift that goes along with LabVIEW don't struggle with these issues.  That being said I've accepted the fact that some people will not have their options’ changed no matter what, and one LabVIEW lover on NI's forums posting behind a computer certainly won't change anyone’s mind.


0 Kudos
Message 2 of 3

The whole Alt+Tab thing is annoying for me. Especially because I work with other programs in parallel with LabVIEW...


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Message 3 of 3