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Excel Graph Axis Title

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Hi all,


Is there a way of naming the axes titles of an excel plot created using the Report Generation Toolkit? There does not seem to be such an option in the excel specific functions of the toolkit... Could it be done through activeX?? I tried to follow the suggestions in the link below but no luck... 


Thanks a lot for your time..



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Message 1 of 5
Accepted by topic author charmand79

Have you tried using "Excel set graph font" ? It should be possible to change x/y axis test with it

Message 2 of 5

Thanks a lot... Spot on.

0 Kudos
Message 3 of 5

I wonder, if one can do an example of this. I manage to get axis title for x axis, but cant acces to y... Help is not useful either.

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Message 4 of 5


I have attached a VI incl. many useful active-x commands for plotting graphs to excel. It is a large VI but it includes what you are looking for.. Scroll to the right and locate the 8th active-x box called chartwizard. This is what you are looking for. I have added constants indicating were the name of each axis goes in the wizard box. If you are not familiar with the rest of the active x commands just follow the sequence and you'l' be able to plot an excel graph fully customised through labview.


Hope it is of help


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Message 5 of 5