03-31-2011 07:10 AM
Im sorry if this is in the wrong board, but I didn't really know where else to put it. If someone has sample data for a hysteresis loop in excel or LVM format and could post it so I can test with it I would appreciate it greatly. Preferably a larger amount of sample points but I won't be picky.
04-01-2011 02:40 PM
What kind of hysteresis data are you looking for? Can you explain your application for it a little bit?
04-01-2011 03:11 PM
A Force vs. Velocity hysteresis would be great. To be exact to my specific application, it would be compression and rebound of a shock absorber. It is a program that I am writing for data aquisition and analysis. This will be one of the results taken in from our test equipment and I need to see if all of my VIs and filters will respond properly to non-time dependant data.
04-04-2011 01:02 PM
Hey Patrick,
Here's an example that generates hysteresis data. We unfortunately don't have many data files stored here, but maybe you can use this to generate some.