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Executable looking sloppy on the small window size? How to fix this issue

The front panel looks good on my big laptop as shown below. However, I tried creating an executable to use it on the small laptop, the executable does not look good at all. How do I fix this issue?

On my big laptop:


On the small laptop:

My configuration:


As you can see below, things don't look right. 



When I tried to follow this link

I get this on the small laptop. As you can see, I can't see everything on one screen though everything looks good now.  I have to scroll left or right

My configuration:












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Message 1 of 7

Now you get to understand what all you need to consider while developing an application.


By any chance, did you enable scale with pane for the controls? I would disable them, so that the scrollbars popup leaving the controls at same size irrespective of the monitor.


To develop a proper application that works with a variety of monitor sizes, you need to implement quite chunk of pane resizing, and control resizing in the code to work around the weird scaling issues.

Soliton Technologies

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Message 2 of 7

Scale with pane is  disabled for all controls and indicators

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Message 3 of 7

Looks like you have modified/customized the UI without considering the implication of each decision it would result in a smaller monitor. 


In the current state, I would recommend starting from scratch and for each implementation consider how it would show up in a small monitor.


Could you please share the VI?

Soliton Technologies

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Message 4 of 7

Could your problem be a font size change?

I ran into this problem in the past when compiled LabVIEW front panels changed font size.

There were some *.ini settings for the compiled code that fixed it for me.


Message 5 of 7

I think also if the scaling on the two different computers are different, you may run into issues like this.

(Mid-Level minion.)
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Message 6 of 7

It mainly (or atleast for starters) look like a font scaling issue. Change the windows font scaling or add the appropriate keys to the applications ini.

Stuff like

appfont = Tahoma 9 (assuming it'll scale up)

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