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Execute while loop based on different time intervals of day

I currently executing a program in which I am going to measure the cost of electricity signals during different time intervals of a day. Right now I have created a program in which I get the voltage signal and the current signal to calculate my power (Formula: Power = Voltage*Current). For simplicity, I used 2 simulate signal blocks to act as my voltage and current waveform. The power value I have gotten would be multiplied by the cost of electricity during that time interval of the day. I then record the daily pricing of on a text file in a separate folder. Right now I had successfully implemented flat charge pricing of my signals (For the whole 24 hr period).


The problem I am facing now is implementing peak and off peak pricing during certain time intervals of the day. This means I want to calculate the cost of my signals during the peak period (11am- 7pm) with a certain peak period cost and off peak period (7pm -11am) with a certain off peak period cost. So far I have don't have a clue how to implement my program that is able to execute my specific while loop during certain time intervals of the day


Would greatly appreciate if some one could guide me to solve my problem

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Attached is the VI that I had done with regards to measure power pricing. Now is just figuring how to execute my while loop during different time intervals of the day Peak Period(7am - 11 pm) Off Peak Period (11pm - 7am)



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