11-08-2007 07:27 AM
11-09-2007 01:32 PM
11-09-2007 03:40 PM
I dont know how far this link would be relevant to you.
Hope it helps.
11-09-2007 03:56 PM
Thanks ! That give me already some answers to my bag of questions.
May be you have one very important answer, before I read thoroughtly all the doc : can I use an RS232 or RS422 com port in connection vith an RS485 device ? What are the caveats ?
11-09-2007 04:55 PM
Well I guess you can. I have personally never used 485. Only thing that i can think of may be that there must be some protection against contention. otherwise standard connections would work unless something is specified for the equipment using it.
This is kind of compiled links here for 232-485. may be this would give you some help. There is an app note in it that will give you some of the answers.also find there a TI note just above that app note. That is a very well compiled info.
Hope it helps.
11-09-2007 05:13 PM
To make communications easier with RS485 to labview, I would suggest using a USB to RS485 converter. I've used this converter before and its pretty easy to setup. B&B electronics http://www.bb-elec.com/product_family.asp?FamilyId=357
In the meantime, once you get your USB/RS485 converter you can talk to the MFC using Burkert's communication tool http://www.burkert.com/COM/buerkert_products_new.php?type=8711 (its near the bottom of the page).
11-09-2007 05:43 PM
Iiiike !! LabVIEW vi's
11-09-2007 05:48 PM
Dravi99 and jkho
Guys, my problems are solved. You have really been of much help. Thanks a lot !
04-09-2017 01:52 PM - edited 04-09-2017 01:52 PM
2007 -> 2017 : Did you find the labview VI for Burkert Mass flow?