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Extracting information from the Draw multiple lines function

Hi, is their anyway of extracting the coordinates that the draw multiple line function produces without manually scanning the image? I was thinking of monitoring the pen location but by looking deeper into the Draw Multiple file it seems that the file works somehow using concatenation and shift registers. Any Ideas ?



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Message 1 of 5

Well you could try to change the vi, because it ain't protected.

Just make another terminal and cluster the coordinates of the line.


UnCertified LabVIEW Student
Mistakes are for learning, that's why suggestions are always welcome!
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Message 2 of 5

Yeah I had a look in the VI and can't seem to work out where the points are being calculated. Because I'm inputting for example a 1D array of clusters with integer numbers for X and Y. with values (1,1) and (3,3) and I'm trying to get the the function to return (1,1), (2,2) and (3,3) in a similarly formatted array.



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Message 3 of 5

I checked the code, I don't if it's even possible. Maybe other people do know how to!

But, if you know the line comes from the top left pixel and you know the end pixel.

You also know the width of line.

You can calculate all the pixels unless you didn't put the line on solid



UnCertified LabVIEW Student
Mistakes are for learning, that's why suggestions are always welcome!
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Message 4 of 5

Hi slasher53,


I did a research on your question and unfortunately there is no easy way of getting the information

of the every single pixel drawn by Draw Multiple Lines Function.


The only way of doing this is by analyzing the 2d picture "before" and "after" finding the new pixels.


I tried to do this in LabVIEW (please find the example in the attachment).

This code only works for one line but can be extended to work with multiple lines.


All the best,

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Message 5 of 5