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FFT - Sample rate and samples to read - can i go faster?

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Accepted by topic author G.Suarez

Because you need 2s of data, along with multiple averages, the suggestions here will not have any effect, your loop is slow.

  1. You have one monolithic loop; this is not optimal for real time processing. Data needs to be downloaded then processed in serial manner. If your processing takes longer than the acquisition, then you will end up losing data. Split up your data acquiring loop and processing loop and data saving loop.
  2. You have property nodes in your loop. All property nodes run in the UI thread. There is only 1 UI (User Interface) thread for the whole OS. This prevents parallelization of code in the loop, which in turn, slows down your code. Never use property nodes in tight loops.

Other suggestion, since you are taking the FFT of acceleration data, you should be able to divide the result by factors of (2 pi f) to get velocity and displacement. It may be faster than integrating, but for your rate it won't matter.

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