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FLUKE 8846A multi-meter || Data Collection || RS-232 Port

I am using FLUKE 8846A multi-meter. I installed the driver and now I am working on the vi "Fluke 884x series Read single". I am using RS-232 Port to connect multi meter with the system. My target is to collect data on computer from the multi-meter. I am unable to run the VI. It is giving me the error code -1073807339.  Can anyone please help me with this issue?

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Message 1 of 10

I think its a serial error code. Did you configure serial port exactly? Attach screenshot of your vi. 

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Message 2 of 10

It is a timeout error.  Make sure your serial settings are correct and you are using the correct cable.


Don't attach a screenshot of your code which often doesn't tell us all the details.  Attach the ACTUAL VI.

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Message 3 of 10

Dear Sir,


Thank you for your reply. It is a serial error code. I am not sure if the serial port is configure perfectly. I have attached the screen shot and the program as well.


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Message 4 of 10

I'm confused.  You say you re using a Fluke multi-meter, but are using Agilent VI's ??


As for the serial port settings, compare them to what your manual says.  Read the rest of the manual and see what are the commands you can write to the serial port.  See if the Agilent VI's you are using are sending those same commands.

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Message 5 of 10

Here is the Manual for the Fluke 8846A.  Page 4 and after discuss the Remote operations and configuration.  Make sure that your equipment and remote system are both operating with the same parameters.  In addition to multiple connection options and configurations, this system is also capable of operating with 3 different command sets based upon its emulation modes.

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Message 6 of 10
Thank you for your reply Sir. I edited the code but facing some new problem.
We have a FLUKE 8846A precision multimeter. We are trying to record data in the computer using LabView Software. We downloaded Codes from the driver and changed it a little bit to get continuous realtime data graph of voltage change with respect to time. We are using RS-232 Port for communication.


But the problem is, I edited the code from the Trigger code and there are some complications in the "string" block of labview. So, when the first pulse is +7V, it shows DC +7V. Then when we change the second pulse +4V it shows the transition from +7 V to + 4V.  Then when we change the 3rd pulse +1V it shows the transition from +7 V to + 4V to +1V.
We need to see continuous data without showing the transition within a pulse.
The Labview code is attached herewith.
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Message 7 of 10

You are not configured for Real-time acquisition and not sure it is possible using RS-232.  To get as close as possible:

  1. Data should be requested as soon as the last data point is received
  2. All Auto Range functions should be off and functional ranges manually selected
  3. Trigger should be Immediate
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Message 8 of 10

Hello, I´m doing master on physics and need to communication with a FLUKE 8846A, but i'm not getting, can you help me with the code?

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Message 9 of 10

I would start here for programming information.

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Message 10 of 10