01-22-2016 08:32 AM
Recompile the FPGA VI / bitfile and try again.
01-22-2016 09:13 AM
After updating the NI RIO Drivers I'm back to the good old error message.
What do you mean by recompile the bitfile? I cannot even discover the device so far.
This is all really frustrating =(
01-25-2016 03:43 AM
Hey kwalker,
could you possibly describe how you want to discover the cRIO. Did you use the correct IP-Address to find the device?
01-25-2016 04:34 AM
In the project, i right-clicked on the project file, then new-> targets and devices. Then, with "existing target or device" selected I go to Real-Time CompactRIO, where I can find the correct device.
01-25-2016 04:51 AM
And directly after adding the device, the error pops up? Please also send a screenshot of your current error!
01-27-2016 07:34 AM
The error has been resolved. It seems to have been a OS issue. Reinstalling Windows 7 fixed the problem.
Thanks nonetheless for your help!