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FPGA error -50001

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Hello.  My name is Jason. I am working on what should be a very simple project to train a coworker on NI equipment we are working with. 


I have used this equipment in the past to remotely control a ranger xp.  I attempted to use the exact code setup... Im not sure where I messed up. 


Screen captures of the project explorer and the VIs running on the PC,the cRIO and the FPGA have all been attached.


The goal


I want to be able to blink an LED using the crio and control the speed of the blinking from a VI running on my PC.  The VI running on the PC has a slide to control the blink speed and a Boolean switch to turn it on and off.  The VI on the cRIO multiplies the speed by two, and displays the state of the Boolean switch.  These values are passed to the FPGA VI that is supposed to turn the LED on and off.


The Problem


The PC and cRIO code seem do be doing exactly what I want them to.  The digital IO does not change value.There are no errors coming out of the FPGA reference or read/write blocks.


I wasn't sure where to post this because I can not figure out where the error is coming from. The only error I have been able to find is when I right click the program I have written and complied to run on the fpga and try to download it.  This causes and error -50001 "An attribute whether explicit or implicit is not relevant or is not relevant given the current system state. The operation could not be completed as specified."


The system hardware

I have a PC running Labview 8.2 (ip address  subnet  It is connected with a crossover cable to a cRIO 9004 (ip address sn and a cRIO 9104 chassis.  The cRIO has a digital io module (NI 9401).



LabView  8.20

FPGA module 8.2.0

Real Time Module 8.20


any help/guidance/advice would be greatly appreciated.   


Thank you, 


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Message 1 of 4

I rebuilt the project and tried again.  It still doesnt work.  I wrote a very simple VI for the fpga that blinks the led at a constant rate.  After I compiled it, I tried to run it and got Error -50003 "a
selector - usually of an enumerated type - is inappropiate of out of range. The operation could not be completed as specified."  augh




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Message 2 of 4
Accepted by topic author j coates

Hi jcoates,


Please take a look at this KnowledgeBase article: Why do I get Error -50003 when Running an FPGA VI on my Real-Time Controller?


If this does not solve the issue, are you able to get a simple FPGA VI that does not interact with the LED to work? 

Mark E.
National Instruments

Message 3 of 4

That did the trick.  I spent so much time searching for the -50001 error that I forgot to search for the -50003.  


Thanks a lot.



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