05-08-2015 10:08 PM
I have a PCI 6251 and I am using this to do waveform triggering based on the input signal.
Here is my flow:
Whenever the voltage signal from the analog input is higher than a user defined threshold. the analog ouput will output a square wave of +/-1V with 20kHz. Otherwise, the same analog output should remain idle.
I wrote a VI (please see the attachment) with case structure. I used DAQ assitant as the input and output, and passed the signal between two while loop.
I am wondering if there is any better module to speed up the one I have attached?
05-08-2015 10:11 PM
05-08-2015 10:37 PM
Thanks Mike!
May I know what shall I use?
05-08-2015 11:16 PM
05-09-2015 12:42 PM
Read this excellent White Paper. If you need more information, go to support.ni.com and look for DAQmx in Tutorials.
Bob Schor