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Fgen Arbitrary on PXIe-5450 Filtering and Offset Errors

Hi, I am working with NI PXIe-5450. I wanted to run the Fgen Arbitrary Waveform vi (available if you have FGEN NI drivers, included in PNGs below) but I run into errors. Luckily, my application doesn't need to be that versatile, but either way I would like to understand some of the controls that I am going to strip from the example code.

Issue 1: DC Offset value can only be zero. If I run this example with anything but zero for the DC offset, the error occurs at niFgen Configure Arbitrary, status code -200077, it says possible values are only zero. I followed the path into the VI and I can't really tell where the error is coming from as they use a DLL call and I don't really know what to do with that. I cheated and set the input to niFgen Configure Arbitrary to zero, but this error repeats later when the niFgen property node gets set to a nonzero value. Again, without much clarification. Solution(?): I looked through the NI XPIe-5405 manual, and found out that we cannot set a DC offset with code. I am assuming this is why the error occurs. Can anyone confirm?


On this same note, the Fgen Arbitrary Waveform VI allows me to set the gain (between 353.8m-5.25m). I am curious where this restriction comes from? I couldn't find more details in the data sheet. I tested how this affects my output by simply trying different values, but I'd like something more tangible.

Issues 2 &3: Lastly, Fgen Arbitrary Waveform VI comes with Boolean controls for Analog and Digital Filter. These controls are sent into niFgen Configure Analog and niFgen Configrue Digital, respectively. Analog Filter Boolean control is also used later in the code to set the niFgen Property Node. It throws an error whenever set in either of the two places. The error states both of those settings must be false. I don't know how to support this because unlike with the DC Offset, I wasn't able to find the restriction in the PXIe 5450 manual.


I really like this example code and it will be suitable for the application that I need to write, but it is using a lot of DLL call functions that I can't access and hence I don't know where certain errors are coming from. Does anyone either know the answers to my questions above or how to find more documentation for NIFGEN DLL calls?

Thank you.


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